CSA Home Delivery add-on (Out of Coverage Area)


This is for CSA members only. Please contact us before purchasing. 

If you place your CSA order but do not qualify for free home-delivery because you are out of our delivery radius, you might be able to get the home-delivery option for an additional $8 a month. This is case-by case based upon our delivery route, amount of customers, and schedule. Once you place a CSA Home-Delivery add-on, we will send you an email letting you know the date and time of your delivery. It will be on the same delivery date as the pick-up location closest to you.

Availability: In stock


  • Beyond Organic
  • Raised, slaughtered, and processed on family-owned homestead
  • Pasture-raised 100% after brooding
  • Free to eat bugs, grasses, worms, seeds, or feed supplement
  • Non-GMO
  • Soy-Free
  • Feed supplement is a local whole-grain blend
  • No antibiotics nor hormones
  • No pesticides, herbicides, nor insecticides
  • Slaughtered in Zabiha manner (more in FAQ)
  • Empathy and responsible care towards the welfare of all of our animals
  • Zero Waste Management, everything is composted
  • Farm to Plate